•  1. What time does school begin and end?

    Students will begin to transition to their first class at 8:10 a.m. School starts at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.

     2. What is the earliest I can drop my child off at school in the morning?

    Students are permitted to arrive at the school property at 7:45 a.m. Students will report to the Commons Area and transition to the assigned area for their grade level, unless we are experiencing inclement weather.  Parents with specific concerns should speak directly with the principal.

     3. Where should I drop off and/or pick up my child?

    Car-riders will enter and exit the campus from the Cherry Road or Caswell Street entrance.  Bus riders will enter and exit the campus from the Eden Terrace entrance. THIS IS TENTATIVE SINCE the addition of Cherry Park Elem, there may be different entrance points.

     4. What do I need to do when I need to pick my child up early?

    The student is to bring a note signed by his/her parents to the Falcon Time teacher.  The note should include the date of early release, the time of pick-up and a contact number. The parent/guardian must come to the main office to sign his/her child out.  Upon completion of all forms, the receptionist/secretary will contact the classroom teacher to dismiss the student.  The student should report to the main office. Signing out at the end of the day should be by 2:45pm.

     5. What do I do if my child is late for school? 

    If a student arrives after 8:15 a.m., he/she will have to sign-in at the main office. Unless a medical excuse is provided,the student will be marked tardy. All doctor/parents notes for attendance should be submitted to attendance. (Please refer to the SMS handbook for specific details.)

     6. What are the procedures for riding a different bus other than my child’s assigned bus?

    Due to the limited amount of space on buses, students should plan to travel to and from school using their assigned mode of transportation.  In the event of an emergency, the student should bring a note from home including the student’s name,date, address, location of bus stop, bus number and a contact number.  The note should be given to an administrator who will contact the parent/guardian for verification.  Questions regarding bus routes should be directed to the Transportation Complex (980-2022). 

    7. How do I contact my child’s teacher or request a conference with my child’s teacher?

    We encourage parents and teachers to establish communication early in the school year. Teachers can be reached via email, which will be returned as soon as possible. We value your child’s instructional time and ask for your consideration during class time. Academic teachers’ planning periods are during the time of your child’s elective classes.

     8. What do I do when my child is absent from school?

    When your student returns to school, he/she is to bring a note including their name, date of absence, reason for absence and contact telephone number for verification. If the absence is medically related,please provide the doctor’s excuse.

     9. Will my child be issued textbooks?

    Textbooks are issued to all students. The student is responsible for all textbooks issued to him/her and will be required to pay for lost or damaged books.  Textbooks will be assigned to each student by a barcode system.

     10. Will the students have lockers?

    All students will be issued a locker for the entire school year. Physical Education lockers will be issued when enrolled in a PE class or during designated seasonal sports.  

     11. Is my child allowed to bring a backpack to school?

    Students may bring backpacks to school, but all backpacks must be left in his/her locker during the school day.

     12. How long is my child allowed to stay after school?

    Students should be picked immediately following the end of the school day, which is 3:15pm. In the event of a late pick up, due to an emergency situation, parents should notify the principal. If a student is remaining after school for an extracurricular activity, he/she should report directly to the destination.

     13. What is the school dress code?

    Please refer to the Standard Code of Dress information posted on this website by following this LINK, or in your child’s student handbook.

     14. How will my child see the school nurse if needed? 

    Students may report to the school nurse with permission from a classroom teacher. All medication (including Tylenol, aspirin, cold medicine, prescription and over-the-counter medications) taken at school, should be signed over to the school nurse by a parent/guardian.  A written order from a physician will now be required for ANY PRESCRIPTION DRUG that is to be administered at school. The revised medication forms will be on the school and district websites. Please understand that prescription medication cannot be given at school without a doctor’s order. Please call the school nurse with any questions regarding the policy change.

    15. How much are school meals and how do I put money in online account?

    Lunch prices for paid Middle and High School students is $2.45/
    Reduced price lunch is $.40. Breakfast price is $1.10 and reduced price is$.30.  See Meal Prices. Go the site  to prepay meals.

    16. If a violation of the behavior code occurs,what methods are used to address the behavior?

    Sullivan Middle School will use a proactive approach to behavior issues.  Incentives are provided for good behavior.  However, should an incident occur, there are interventions that may be used.  These interventions include: verbal warning, notes home, parental contact via telephone and/or email, parent/student/and/or team conferences, lunch detention, after-school detention, Behavior Intervention, out-of-school suspension, and a visit and/or placement at Rebound.

    17. May I visit my child’s school and/or eat lunch with my student?

    Parents are welcome to visit SMS.  We ask that you follow these guidelines:   1)All visitors sign-in at the main office with a valid Driver's License. 2) Parents who wish to visit a class should make an appointment through an administrator. 3) Conferences may be setup through the Classroom Teacher, Guidance Counselor or Assistant Principal.  You may eat lunch with your child during their lunch period but must sign in at the main office first.

    18. How can I get involved with my child’s school?

    Involvement in your child’s education and school may involve:

    a. Open lines of communication with teachers and administrators via phone, email, and notes

    b. Join the School Improvement Council or Parent Teacher Organization

    c. Sign-up to be a volunteer with the school by completing the online volunteer application on the district website.

    19. What are the general supplies that are needed for school?

    Please refer to the district supply list. Teachers may also request other materials.  

    20. When is the first day of school? 

    August 15th 22-23 school year.

    21. Will SLMS have athletic teams?

    Yes.  We will offer the following athletic programs at Sullivan Middle School for 7th grade and 8th grade students*:

     See the Sullivan Athletics page for more info.

    22. How will I stay informed about what’s going on?

    Every team has a way to notify parents of homework assignments.  Parents should check with the individual teams for more information.  Sullivan sends school newsletters from home and has a variety of electronic ways to stay in touch.  We send out regular email updates, so we need your email address!

    Also, additional information is provided through the school’s Twitter account, Facebook pages, Remind and ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ Iphone/Ipad app. You will also receive telephone calls through the automated calling system which will inform you of important dates, events, and happenings around SMS.

    23. What are some clubs or organizations at Sullivan for students?

    *Unfortunately, 6th grade students are not eligible to participate in middle school athletics.