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PowerSchool Parent Portal

At this time, in preparation for the next school year, we will be making a new tool available to you to help keep you connected to your student’s classroom and school.


The PowerSchool Parent Portal will allow you to look at your student’s grades, attendance, fees, schedule and more. We will also be requiring parents to fill out transportation, technology and other school fees through this new tool for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.


State Parent Survey

Additionally, the South Carolina Department of Education gathers parent feedback in order to ensure families have a voice in their children’s education and to comply with accountability mandates. At this time you will need to register for Parent Portal to fill this survey out before April 10.


Parent Climate Survey results inform decision-making at the school, district, and state level and are included in the school’s annual report card. The Parent Climate Survey is anonymous and confidential and will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.


Creating an Account

If you have not created a Parent Portal account, follow the attached instructions. Your Parent Portal account will also be used to communicate with you throughout the school year so we require an account for every family. You can set up your portal on the website: 


When creating the account, you will be required to enter your username and password. This information is unique for each student.



If you have multiple students attending ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½, you will only create one Parent Portal account, but you will attach all of your students to it. However, you must complete a Parent Climate Survey for each student.


Your time and effort in completing this survey is greatly appreciated and will help ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ continuously improve your and your child’s experience in our district.


If you are in need of assistance in opening your Parent Portal account, please reach out to our SIS Clerk.