
  • Our Mission Statement:

    Safety and Security is committed to provide all students, staff, and stakeholders with a safe environment by setting the standard through an innovative, proactive, and continuous improvement model that utilizes safety supports, trainings, and effective internal and external collaborative partnerships.

  • What We Do:

    This department oversees visitor management systems, student reunification, and SafeSchools staff training and compliance. ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ works to ensure our nearly 18,000 students, 2,400 employees, and visitors to our campuses are safe.

  • Interested in becoming a Volunteer/Chaperone?

    Rock Hill School District requires anyone who is volunteering/chaperoning in our schools to be an approved volunteer. If interested in becoming a volunteer, please scan the link below and follow all of the steps to complete the interest form. You will be notified by email of the next steps. The entire volunteer interest/application process could take up to 3-4 weeks

    If you have completed the volunteer interest/application process click here for more information.

Scan the QR code to sign up to become a volunteer!

QR Code for Volunteer Application Link
  • Andrew Jones

    Andrew Jones
    Director of Safety and Security


    Joseph Bridges
    Security Systems Technician

    Gary Campbell
    District Safety Training Coordinator

    Jennifer Wilson
    Security Systems Technician