Nuclear Evacuation Plan

  • emergency management DE logo In the event that it is necessary to evacuate schools because of an event at the Catawba Nuclear Plant, the District will follow the plan as developed by Duke Energy and the York County Office of Emergency Management



    What can I expect?

    Schools in the area around Catawba Nuclear Station have emergency plans for school children.

    • In an emergency, school officials would be contacted by county emergency management officials.
    • If an evacuation were ordered, all children attending school inside the would be moved to the pick-up point (York County) or reception center (Mecklenburg and Gaston counties) for their school. This may be different from the reception center listed for the student’s home.
    • Parents should pick up students at pick-up centers only. Do not call or go to the schools. This will help avoid delays. All pick-up points are more than 10 miles from the station.
    • Adults would care for the children until parents arrive at the pick-up center.
    • It is important for parents to know in what zones their children’s schools are located. To find out, locate the correct zone on the for your children’s schools. Parents should familiarize themselves with the for their children’s schools.

    If your children are ever left home alone, you should tell them what to do in an emergency. Be sure they know what zone they are in.


    Information source: Duke Energy