• NOTICE: The original bond referendum voting date of March 31, 2020, has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The ONE Plan

  • The Five-Year Facilities ONE Plan is a living document that guides the facilities planning, design, and construction projects for ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½. Periodically (typically annually) the plan will be monitored and
    updated and will be presented to the Board of Trustees and local government agencies. Only planning actions compatible with the Master Plan should be approved. If projects are considered outside the parameters of the approved Master Plan emerge and are seriously contemplated, then the plan should be amended accordingly. As one year of the plan is implemented, a new “out-year” should be added to the plan to continually maintain a five- or ten-year plan of action. Updating should include any reprioritizing of projects within the second to out-years, based on changing needs of the school system. All statutory and regulatory requirements of the State Department of Education or other agencies should be incorporated into the Master Plan.

    Major goals of the ONE planning process are:

    1. Develop a strategy to address facility improvement and the capital investments necessary to support existing and projected educational needs
    2. Be consistent with the strategic educational goals of ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½
    3. Involve all key stakeholders – community, schools, administrators, the school board and other agencies of government – in the planning process
    4. Develop realistic plans to help ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ meet short- and long-range facilities needs, reflective of:
      i. Current and projected financial constraints
      ii. Time constraints
      iii. Educational specifications (infrastructure function)
      iv. Quality of construction (infrastructure reliability)
    5. Establish a Long-range (minimum five years) Capital Improvement Projects List (Plan of Action) with implementation guidelines and specific project scopes, budgets and schedules, project plan of action (minimum 5 years) for use in capital program development.


    one plan cover page ONE Plan 2020-2030

    In the Fall of 2019, more than 40 presentations were offered to the Rock Hill community and district stakeholders to provide input and reflection on the 10-year plan. All feedback is summarized in this document. The document includes projects over a 10 year period. The March 31, 2020, bond referendum would finance projects in the first five years of the plan.

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